Community & Business
15 November, 2024
The case of the diminishing morning tea
Sounds like a bit of a crime mystery, but there was in fact a diminishing morning tea event held in Clifton recently.

For the uninitiated, a diminishing morning tea refers to the method by which invitations are issued, not the swift disappearance of the goodies on the tables!
This one was organised as a fundraiser for the Clifton Hospital Auxiliary.
Auxiliary president Anne Pedersen said the first invitation is issued by the host to five other people.
Each of those then invites four other people, they in turn invite three other people, those three invite two people each and those two finally each invite one person.
Each of the guests brought along a plate of food and the tea and coffee was supplied.
It was a great excuse for a social get together and quite a few took advantage of it.
Anne Pedersen said the money raised, over $2,000, will be used to purchase some more useful additions to the Community Hub, which is a multi-purpose area within the Clifton Community Health Services complex.