Community & Business
1 November, 2023
Trains and Grains theme gets student interest
The Clifton Progress Association devised a good theme for the shop window display competition as local schools responded to the challenge with creativity and skill.

Judges awarded equal first place to Nobby State School and St. Francis de Sales School.
It’s hardly surprising that both schools would respond so appropriately given their close location to grain silos and a railway line for grain rail shipments.
Second prize went to Back Plains State School with Greenmount State School awarded third place.
All schools displayed ingenuity in the ideas for their display and of course all teachers must be congratulated for the manner in which they organised their students for the competition.
The competition theme was certainly a relevant one for the local area.
Well done students and teachers.
Those who participated have helped to highlight the major economic activity of our region during Clifton Country Week.