Community & Business
5 July, 2023
TRC looking to purchase Oakey depot
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will make an application to purchase freehold ownership of the former Oakey Depot site as it continues to explore options for the site.

The site, on the corner of Lorrimer and York streets, has been empty since Council workers vacated the facility in 2020, in favour of the new facility built at Charlton.
TRC Environment and Community Committee Chair Cr James O’Shea said the application was required to ensure the site was able to be used for purposes other than a depot.
“Like all of our regional towns, Council is committed to stimulating growth throughout the entire Region and Oakey is no exception,” he said.
“With the depot now closed, we have an opportunity to use this site for another purpose which will benefit the local residents and help stimulate the economy.
“Initially we have been investigating options such as a Council-operated business incubator or organisation-operated business incubator but believe the best use for this site will be to establish a private commercial use.”
Cr O’Shea said this would mean the site would be commercially leased to a private company with long term lease options.
“It would also open up the possibility to use part of the site for a community group,” he said.
“Council believes this option would have the greatest potential to deliver economic and community benefits, without requiring significant initial or ongoing capital investment from Council.
“Prior to us going down this path, it has been identified that Council will need to make an application to the Department of Resources to Purchase State Land and enter into any agreement necessary under that application to purchase freehold ownership of the former Oakey Depot site.”
TRC developed a business case for the site in 2021, which investigated connecting with the high school and tertiary training providers to promote business growth and develop employment opportunities, especially for young people.
Councillors voted in favour of this recommendation at the Ordinary Meeting of Council last Tuesday.
A portion of the facility is currently being used by to store abandoned vehicles.