Community & Business
21 June, 2023
Tuana Park delivers town's newest road
Tuana Park, the 35-block residential development taking shape at the eastern edge of Pittsworth, took a big leap forward with the completion of the road.

It follows eight months of ground work and the laying of underground plumbing and cabling.
“This is a significant milestone today because we’ve got the first paving down on the new road surface,” project manager Ian Cattell said.
“We’ve got 350 metres of road, paved ready for residents in 35 residential blocks,” he said, striding along the pristine sealed surface.
“And our vision is to have trees, lots of them, to make this a very liveable community,” he said.
He said the road suddenly created a very visual look at how the
development will evolve now.
“People who are looking at these blocks can come along and see it now, from the road.
“It’s a major step in the development and it really launches it into the next stage.”
Mr Cattell said the development had only been advertised locally so far and seven sites had been taken up by locals.
“They’re all people who want to live here, and enjoy the rural outlook.”
A large gum tree on the land has been retained and its silhouette will feature as the Tuana Park logo at the entry points to the estate.
“We kept as many trees as we can and more than 60 trees will be coming in on the landscape plan, colourful vibrant trees, chosen by Penny McKinlay,” Mr Cattell said.
They include gingko biloba, white-blossoming dancer pear and pistache chinensis that turns a deep reddish orange in autumn.
“Penny’s been involved and we’ve used local suppliers for pretty much everything that’s gone on here, plumbers... all the trades are people who live in Pittsworth.
“The landscaping plan maintains paths and trees, that livability is what we want to achieve in Pittsworth.
“What you don’t see is that underground pipe work and infrastructure that goes into a development... all the water, electrical and NBN.
“It’s massive project and it’s been a passion of the family and all the contractors and the people working with Cattell Projects.
“It’s been a dream for our family for a lot of years and it’s just great to see it happening.
Construction could begin on the first houses of stage one by August at which time the 16 blocks in Stage Two will be released to market.
A name is yet to be approved for the new street.