12 January, 2023
Upgrade Works At Leslie Dam Complete
Part of the Queensland Government’s $19 million Southern Downs Drought Resilience program included upgrade works to the intake pump station at Leslie Dam.

Water Minister Glenn Butcher said the upgrade work includes replacement of three 55-year-old pumps, pipework and the electrical switchboard.
“The new pumps are more powerful and energy efficient and will significantly improve the community’s drought resilience.
“The new switchboard is based on the latest technology complying all the current relevant regulations and standards.
“This equipment, in effect, will increase the amount of water that could be pumped from Leslie dam.” he said.
“I’m pleased to say that these new pumps, along with additional works by Sunwater, will enable access to water at much lower levels than the previous, old pumps and this means more water will be available in drought times for urban supply than has previously been available,” Mr Butcher said.
The Queensland Government allocated $4.54 million to increase Leslie Dam’s usable water capacity, and by upgrading its water treatment systems and pumps has increased capacity by 1700 ML (or about 680 Olympic swimming pools).
Warwick has no contingency supply and carting to a town the size of Warwick is not feasible.
Southern Downs Regional Council Mayor Vic Pennisi said the improvements would ensure the pump station would be fit for purpose for decades to come.
“As our community grows, the increased capability and efficiency of our pump station will be very beneficial,” he said.
These upgrades are part of a broader drought resilience program being delivered in partnership with Seqwater, Sunwater and Southern Downs Regional Council, and in consultation with Toowoomba Regional Council.