Community & Business
23 August, 2023
Vietnam Veteran's Day in Pittsworth
Toowoomba’s Allan Dunsmuir spoke at the Vietnam Day memorial ceremony at Pittsworth RSL last Friday, August 18.

Mr Dunsmuir (right) said he was particularly proud to do so on the 50th anniversary of the withdrawal from Vietnam by Australian troops.
He said Australia’s involvement in the war in Vietnam, from 1962 to 1973, was at the time the longest war in which the country had been involved.
“More than 60,000 Australians served ... they were a mix of regular soldiers and National Servicemen,” he said.
“I note that 18 of these were from right here in Pittsworth.
“We were part of an allied force led by the United States.
“We fought alongside South Vietnamese Govern-ment troops against the Vietcong, a communist-led insurgent force supported by the North Vietnamese Army.
“Australia lost 523 servicemen as a direct result of the war and almost 2,400 were wounded. “