Community & Business
25 May, 2023
Visitors travel to the past at Rosalie Historical Museum open day
The Rosalie Historical Society hosted an open day at the Museum in Goombungee.

Around 45 interested persons showed up to the event, which was an opportunity for people to chat with members of the Society, and talk about their skills.
Talents valued by the Society include the restoration of vehicles, knowledge of family records, having a knack for naming historical items that aren’t labelled and sewing.
Society President Denise Iseppi said the group met people with lots of abilities.
“The aim of the day was to showcase the Museum with projects that we need to start moving on,” she said.
“We explain how we run the meetings, and had a sneak preview of Jacaranda Day.”
“People came because they had a bit of creative expertise to share which they were willing to put into the museum.
“A lot of people had collections of their own, and they were willing to share them with us.
“The thing that was really encouraging that there was a lot of locals who made it.”
Mrs Iseppi said the history of the area surprised some guests.
“One said to me ‘Oh, my goodness, I didn’t realise we had so many cheese factories around the Shire’,” she laughed.
The oldest member of the society, former Goombungee State School lollipop lady and Rosalie Historical Society life member Faith Briggs was also in attendance.
Mrs Iseppi said Faith has a wealth of experience.
“She’ll tell us ‘Oh yes, these people used to live there etc’.”
The Rosalie Historical Society is located on the corner of George and Mocatta Streets in Goombungee.Around 45 interested persons showed up to the event, which was an opportunity for people to chat with members of the Society, and talk about their skills.
Talents valued by the Society include the restoration of vehicles, knowledge of family records, having a knack for naming historical items that aren’t labelled and sewing.
Society President Denise Iseppi said the group met people with lots of abilities.
“The aim of the day was to showcase the Museum with projects that we need to start moving on,” she said.
“We explain how we run the meetings, and had a sneak preview of Jacaranda Day.”
“People came because they had a bit of creative expertise to share which they were willing to put into the museum.
“A lot of people had collections of their own, and they were willing to share them with us.
“The thing that was really encouraging that there was a lot of locals who made it.”
Mrs Iseppi said the history of the area surprised some guests.
“One said to me ‘Oh, my goodness, I didn’t realise we had so many cheese factories around the Shire’,” she laughed.
The oldest member of the society, former Goombungee State School lollipop lady and Rosalie Historical Society life member Faith Briggs was also in attendance.
Mrs Iseppi said Faith has a wealth of experience.
“She’ll tell us ‘Oh yes, these people used to live there etc’.”
The Rosalie Historical Society is located on the corner of George and Mocatta Streets in Goombungee.