

21 December, 2022

Warwick Saleyards Redevelopment Project moving ahead

The Warwick Saleyards Redevelopment Project has reached another milestone with Southern Downs Regional Council giving the green light for external contractor EnviroAg to proceed with Stage 1 of the details design for the facility upgrades.

Warwick Saleyards Redevelopment Project moving ahead - feature photo

Co-funded by Council, with $4.5m awarded in 2021 under the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program, the improvement project will address viability issues identified from the Master Plan and Business Case including animal welfare, environment, biosecurity, industry standards, traffic management, technology and workplace health and safety.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said securing a sustainable future for the saleyards played an integral part in supporting the region’s biggest industry and looked forward to the project progressing for the economic benefit of the region.

“Council is committed to the region’s livestock industry and maintaining a sustainable and competitive market for the Warwick Saleyards,” Mayor Pennisi said.

“The livestock industry has changed and evolved since the saleyards started operating more than 55 years ago and there is no question that a development of sorts is needed to ensure the region has quality facilities which meet current animal welfare, best practice standards and industry trends.

“The future of the facility has been the topic of extensive discussion and consultation with the community and industry representatives for many years and it’s great to see this project gain traction.

“We look forward to the future of the Warwick Saleyards and to providing the best possible facility at an affordable price to ratepayers.”

The redevelopment will also importantly allow scope for Council to explore expanding other agricultural industries on the Southern Downs.

EnviroAg was engaged to draft preliminary designs which were finalised and presented to Council in 2021.


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