General News
27 March, 2024
Weighing up its future
The only public weighbridge between Warwick and Toowoomba could be no more after October this year.

Following discussions with Toowoomba Regional Council, Licensee Suezann Kiepe and her husband Les are deeply concerned about the future of the facility.
Mrs Kiepe said her current licence finishes in October.
“It’s a good service to the community,” Mr Kiepe said.
Mrs Kiepe said although trucks use the facility less than they used to, in busier times of the year it is not unusual to see six or seven trucks a day use it.
While the truckies are in town, they go to the shop and have a coffee or meal, generating money for the town.
Caravanners also use the facility to weigh their loads.
The land surrounding the weighbridge, between Tooth Street and the railway, is a free camping area well frequented by travellers.
The Kiepes are stalwarts of the Nobby community having lived in the town for 50 years.
Mrs Kiepe has been operating the Nobby Weighbridge since 1988.
They have started a petition aiming to secure the weighbridge’s future which already has hundreds of signatures.
The petition is available to sign at the Nobby Store and Rudd’s Pub.
The weighbridges in Toowoomba are all on the northern side of town, at Torrington, Charlton and Wellcamp.
Looking westward, the nearest weighbridge is at Brookstead, west of Pittsworth.
Toowoomba Regional Council has been contacted for comment but had not responded by time of going to print.