Community & Business
8 February, 2023
What are you going to enter at the Clifton Show?
The Clifton Show is getting closer, February 17th to 19th, with some events happening earlier, including whipcracking this Sunday, 12 February, and entries for the photography competition closing this Friday, 10 February, at 4pm.

Now is the time to start thinking about entering in the wide range of competitions and events.
The Clifton Show is just around the corner.
Have you thought about your entries yet?
First thing you have to do is grab a copy of the Clifton Show Schedule (available at the Clifton Courier office) or you can find information on the Clifton Show Society website.
You’ll find the sections e.g. pavilion, cattle, horses, Stockman’s Challenge, Ute Show on the left hand side of the webpage.
Here are some suggestions for you to consider entering:
We know there are plenty of good cooks in Clifton, why not try a plate of pikelets or ginger biscuit or if you like a challenge how about a sponge? Kids can enter too!
Hey there, crafty & hobby people – there’s a section for you there also – who knows what chicken scratching is? You can enter chicken scratching or ribbon embroidery, Jewellery and Woodwork. Junior and Over 70s also.
Vegetables – have you got some beans, tomatoes, zucchinis? The list is in alphabetical order, there are plenty of vegetables or fruit to choose to enter.
What about the Giant pumpkin section – seeds were sent out to schools, did you try to grow your very own giant pumpkin?
Farmers have you saved any seed? 5kg of your best wheat, barley, sorghum, sunflowers. Perhaps you have a sheaf of wheat or heads of sorghum or a cob of corn or a bale of hay.
Who’s thirsty? Don’t forget the Home Brewing Section – someone must have a good lager to show off. We have plenty of people willing to be taste testers; we need to give them something to taste.
Entries for all sections must be in (at the Clifton Showgrounds) before noon on Friday, 17th February (but the earlier in the day the better).
If you need more information, contact the secretary Adele Saville on 0409 809 498 or other Show committee members.
Don’t be afraid to ask someone; someone will know the people to ask.
Before the Show weekend itself, whipcracking will be held this Sunday, 12 February, commencing 10am in the main pavilion.
The CrackUp Sisters have come on board as a sponsor for the pee wee event (8 years and under) and it is believed one of the sisters will take part in the ladies event of the whipcracking on the day.
Something of interest will be a whip display presented by the Wicks family.
The family has won many events with these whips across Australia.
The whips have been made by various makers.
It is well worth a look and the family will answer any questions you may have.
Packer Leather is a major sponsor for the day and will be present with hides, etc. for sale.
Leather work will be judged and on display in the pavilion.
The Photography section closes at 4pm this Friday, 10 February.
Entries can be left at the Clifton Courier office or ring the secretary 0409 809 498 to make other arrangements.
Be sure to put an entry form with your entries - write your name and class number on the back of photo which has been mounted on cardboard.
In the fine art section, art work is to be framed and ready to be hung.
Junior art work does not have to be framed.
Membership tickets are available from Clifton News, The Clifton Courier and the show office the week of the Show.
Prices are: $25 family (2 adults, children under 16); $15 single (1 adult and children under 16).
Cash or cheque at Clifton News or Clifton Courier.
The Show office can accept card, cash or cheque.
The tickets are for Clifton Show only but allow you to come and go during the day so there is no need to ask about pass outs, etc.