Community & Business
22 November, 2024
Woolshed gearing up for harvest
Celebrate the end of harvest and step back in time as the Jondaryan Woolshed showcases the machinery of a bygone era, including the Sunshine Harvesters, which revolutionised the harvesting of wheat.

The Sunshine factory in Ballarat was at one time the largest manufacturing facility in the Southern Hemisphere.
Activities will include operation of chaff cutter, hay baler, corn sheller and harvester. Immerse yourself in the fine collection of wagons and vintage tractors.
The whole family can enjoy the sights and sounds of the historic Woolshed, sheep, working dogs, animal nursery, whip making, blacksmith and wagon rides.
Arts, crafts and market stalls will be complemented by good country hospitality of food and beverages.
Stay for the weekend at the Woolshed Caravan Park, which has both powered and un-powered sites, creekside camping, rustic cabins, big skies and, of course, the sounds of the bush.
Harvest Time takes place from 9:30am - 03:00pm Saturday 23 November 2024 at Jondaryan Woolshed, 264 Jondaryan Evenslea Rd, Jondaryan, Queensland 4403 Australia